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Handling JavaScript confirm in Puppeteer
Puppeteer provides a “Dialog” class for handling confirm popups. When a confirm popup is displayed, we have to obtain Dialog object of confirm popup to access it. To access the confirm popups displayed on the screen as an instance of the “Dialog” class, we have to attach the dialog event to page.
async function handleConfirm( page: Page ): Promise<void> { const element = await page.$( "#confirm" ); element.click(); page.on( 'dialog', async dialog => { console.log( dialog.type() ); console.log( dialog.message() ); await dialog.accept(); } ); } |
Dialog class provides the below list of methods to handle alert:
Method | Description |
accept(promptText: string): Promise<void> | Accepts the confirm popup. |
dismiss(): Promise<void> | Dismiss the confirm popup. |
message(): string | Returns the message displayed in the confirm popup. |
type(): DialogType | The dialog type. Dialog's type, can be one of ‘alert’, ‘beforeunload’, ‘confirm’ or ‘prompt’ |
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Puppeteer JavaScript confirm Example
import { launch, Page } from 'puppeteer'; example(); async function example() { const browser = await launch( { headless: false } ); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.setViewport( { width: 1366, height: 768 } ); await page.goto( 'https://www.tools4testing.com/contents/puppeteer/testpages/handling-javascript-pop-ups-testpage' ); await handleConfirm ( page ); await browser.close(); }
async function handleConfirm( page: Page ): Promise<void> { const element = await page.$( "#confirm" ); element.click(); page.on( 'dialog', async dialog => { console.log( dialog.type() ); console.log( dialog.message() ); await dialog.accept(); } ); } |
Click here to learn to execute puppeteer example using typescript
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